Rhythm and Uniformity of Belongingness
How many times have you felt like running away? This question is running like wild horses in my mind, and I want to ask you all the same. Do you ever feel like running away? From actions, reactions, things in general and people or maybe from life itself? I was sitting in Starbucks yesterday, with my favorite latte and hunting for something interesting to write on. On my right side, I felt someone fidgeting with a hot drink in hand. I felt the guy was trying to peak in my laptop to see what I was working on. I turned to him and smiled, and it all began! His one question out of blue was, “have you ever tried to run away from things?” Well, he had my attention now. I looked at him and immediately replied, “yes. All the time!” He thought for a moment and the dam opened for him now. What was my conversation with him for the next 30 mins or so is not important for you all but what I am about to write is the crux of what we discussed, and I want to work upon in my write-up for today? I feel so glad that I was there at that time!
I am almost sure that there has been a need in most of us to have that sense to belong to someplace where there is no judgment for what you choose to follow or believe in? Each time we go to our self-chosen place of worship to try to live and make peace with the sins that we commit in unconscious conscience, the question of our sense of belongingness arises. The idea when it all breaks down to our existence depends upon a supreme power that holds its all together for those who believe in it. For those who don’t their self-questioning comes as their salvation and rescue. Whatever thought we may have, we need that one uniform force for us as individuals to bring us around to sanity. The question that we ask ourselves at one point or the other is, who do we belong to. To those who give us strength or to those who break our hearts and make us stronger to pick up our pieces –
The morning that brings us out of our deep dark thoughts, spin like a never-ending circle, and ends up breaking our hope, dreams, visions, and fantasies. Remember, each time we fall, there must be that self-wish to stand up and move on. This uniform thought of survival brings that well-rounded concept of uniformity of ideas in our sense of belongingness. The strength moves us to move away from what makes many among us believe that there is nothing that can save us from our doom. Even at our lowest, these are such moments when we end up fighting our thoughts with positivity to find our little happiness. This is the uniformity of belongingness that I am talking about. The sense of belongingness makes us fight for survival. The will to wake up each morning and do what we do is what belongs us to our uniform thought of living. The broken records that scratch around those lyrics that try to break us are the ones that add a uniqueness to the lyrics sometimes.
These may sound like one of the many random thoughts that I end up penning down each week. How about we take these random thoughts and put them in our everyday thoughts, beliefs, and actions. That would be the moment you, me, or anybody and everybody will synthesize the gravity when we all are standing at that edge and try to find the breadth to be able to float just above the waters. Our need to belong or hold on to something or someone (even ourselves) is so intense that we don’t even realize it gradually seeps into our everyday actions, words, and lifestyle. When you go to sleep each night what that is feeling that is dominant in your mind and heart. The emotions may vary, and you may feel a sense of happiness, contentment, excitement, or hope and positivity. You may feel sad, discontented, angry, jealous, disheartened. There may be feeling of revenge, crudeness, hatred, or depression. They may be many more emotions that may run as you wind up your day, but the important angle is getting ready for the next day to do the needful. This sense of uniformity makes us stay alive in all shapes and form and bring a sense of rootedness and belongingness amongst us. If there is no balance and harmony in these emotions this is where the dice start rolling backward and the extremity of actions happen!
The movies that we watch, the literature that we read, the songs that we hear, may strum that chord we are so sensitively attached to. They may sometimes bring out our frustration, anger for all the wrong that has been done to us or our likes. At other times they make us understand the deeper meaning of forgiveness or the point of no regret. They make us recall many times that when we say adios to certain emotions, people, or life, it is just a word and if we are alive and kicking, there is always a scope to go back and try to level the hurt. The music and lyrics are part of a unique rhythm of belongingness that can be as beautiful as the original track even if we cover it with different notes! Never forget that there are similar boats like ours. There are way more people trying to belong and bring about a sense of uniformity in their lives, like us! They are many who are different yet like us in emotionality or approach. We need to remember that it is also about the matter of the heart and soul along with rationality because it breaks alike for all. Whoever you may be, however practical and strong you may be, the sense of peace is the same for all of you even though the source may differ for each one of us!