Ruptures of Brain in Bookreads
The book read on impulse
Ruptures on brain freehand
As I encounter other’s experiences,
Forcing them to master the write-up
Which then make our correspondence
Mutual and a piece of our genius.
The occasional fans that we can count
Are proof enough that script does matter
As it impresses the audience heavily
To praise the subtle work of art
Which then makes our correspondence
Mutual and a piece of our genius.
The biographies based on experience
That need writer’s time and attention
The best fiction may be yet to come
And bring award of mass acceptance
Which then makes our correspondence
Mutual and a piece of our genius.
Blogs written for relaxation and fun
Sometimes end up being trailblazers
Due to innovation in the structure, it becomes,
A place that links our emotions
And then make our correspondence
Mutual and a piece of our genius.
Harassed and emotionally devoted characters
Have their own two sides hidden,
That are opposite as a coin
yet seem part of a single whole
Which then makes our correspondence
Mutual and a piece of our genius.
We may get numerous miles apart
yet our collection of memories is one
mutual appreciation of this serious story
Sprawling own wings ready to fly
Which then makes our correspondence
Mutual and a piece of our genius.
I feel the impulse to read that book again
And bathe in persuasive umbrella loopholes
Of themes and dialogues that lures,
My mind to work for relative letters
Which then makes our correspondence
Mutual and a piece of our genius!