Conversations and Human Fantasies

Conversations with human fantasies
Are like those autumn leaves
Who know the future way ahead
They prepare their mind since spring
For them the sun is like a clock
And moon becomes the wind
Talking with human is a state of mind
Where the vision is endless to explore
What they say and what we feel
Is like harmony where the two tango
A nip there and snip here
Is where heart desires and mind goes
There may be no shortage
of options and opinions
For the world runs like a stage
Travelling along with time-yarn
Following the script of broadway!
where we all become actors we play
For time becomes recorded versions of plays
When rumours turn to statements
Expanding Horizon of human wizardry
Where cries of child pull years from heart
Despite their eyes’ innocent stare
It hurts oh! it hurts so much
That we end up fixating our glare
Our fantasies bring spice to life
As if there was never a better time
To hold on to sweet magic wand
With their own saga ready to explore
Reminding that human conversations
Are like fantasies of autumn leaves!