Where Everything Spills over!

When this cookie literally crumbles
crumbs fall apart and splutter all over
Far away from silver plate on the table
Creating mess for others to pick up
And here I think in my chaotic mind
The distance would not be that much!
Just like that, the tea spills as well
Seeping with trails along the mug
Messing through my train of thoughts
Forcing ideas back that brain fought
And here I was thinking in mind
The stain will not be that dark!
How the ink just splashes around
Get caught heavily in my lashes
spreading along the black mess
Running down those shrivelled cheeks
Making me cry in desperation and here
I thought its splash would be stark!
Now my thoughts just fumble
Making mess in my vision
Ideas that just soak away
And become paper mache
And here I thought in my mind
The damage will not go that far!
Just like that life tumbles
Through ups as it goes down
Trying to cut the strained cord
That binds this jungle together
And here I was thinking in mind
Tying-up will not be that hard!
When everything just spills and splash
Crumbles, fumbles and tumbles away
When there is no way to see anymore
What all that lies far way ahead is blurred
I need to think in my mind’s little game
Picking up pieces will just be one part!