How deep has Depp dug his grave?

How deep can be the love of our fans for our ideal idols? Can we forgive? Can we forget? Just because there is respect for talent and creativity, can we turn a blind eye towards the bigger picture? Are legends like Sean Connery, Charlie Sheen, Bobby Brown, Johnny Depp and many others justified in their physical capability to push someone in a corner and name it as one off moment of passion? Are we as their fans ready to forgo their suppressive instinct to opress like an act of God!
It is as if we, who still support these talents are ready to remain in two minds. Those of us who justify that we should be concerned with talent and not venture into their personal space are hopefully not forgetful of this thought that the act is outright wrong. There can be no if our but to it. There is no space for them to move on. The image they project on screen is not something that will influence many. The moment we say that physical and mental abuse is ok in any hypothetical context, is the moment we start normalising its gravity. It is here we literally lose the battle to fight for those who at that time are unable to defend themselves. The actual seriousness of this issue comes forward when many times, it is ok for ‘n’ number of followers and fans because of the simple reason, that if their idols can get away, so can they. It then in one way or the other becomes fine or they believe that it all will be fine.
The verdict as a wife-beater for Johnny Depp may be harsh for many still; but we need to see and feel a vast ocean of emotions behind it! The lesson needs be given for many that you cannot simply get away with it. Whatever you are, whoever you are and whereever you may be it will come to an end. There might be many who are still free, but it gives hope to those who everyday and night, physically and mentally, squirm under someone’s abusive demeanour, and are just daring to hope against their week hope for things to go their way.
It is this hope that makes us realise that even if it is one in many who pay this price, still that one may have the power to turn into many more in future. They may or may not have given this verdict to maintain this hope that things and consequences have still got power to change the course of brutality, however minor it may be, even if it takes its own sweet time.
Depp can still remain great icon and legend for many but the cause and effect platform needs to draw a line somewhere. We just cannot hide our demons of abuse, drugs and pervertism, behind the facade of glamorous drapes and personal depression! Such flesh-eating ants wait for their curtain call to be applauded over and above the monstrosity, hidden behind the camera.
Such misconduct and physical abuse towards another person is as worthy to be publicly shamed as that of any random passerby. The verdict seems to remind that no one should be above law Any person who is physically, emotionally, sexually and psychologically weak can in no way be declared unworthy to get justice. When people in general and celebrities like Depp in particular do wrong, they just should not get away with it. It is true that everyday many more get scott free from their crime of humiliation, however, if a single damaged soul can be healed a little by putting cap on this isanity of abuse, it is all the more worth it. It is not about advocating for feminism. But any person who has faced abuse today, tomorrow or even decades back, has a right to be given justice anytime possible. Time is of importance, however it is not the only end that justifies the whole.

Jhonny Depp dug his grave long time back but the time thankfully only deepened it. The abuse towards oneself and one’s body is bad, however the moment you cross that line and step over someone else’s territory to continue the same, you have to know that this ball is in someone else’s court. Now all that can be done is to wait for that particular moment where the game gets so deep that you cannot get out of it. We must remember and believe that if we have not yet got it than it does not mean we can never get it – Both the abuse and verdict!
One prevailing theory of why men batter, till 1970’s, was based on psychopathology. According to this theory the men who abuse their wives were mentally ill and could be cured through medication or psychoanalytic treatment. However this was against the findings of researchers. Mentally ill do not sbuse only their intimate. They go far beyond. Initially it was also characteristics that women who are battered are mentally ill or weak however, there was no sanity in the claim and many of those who are institutionalised, were misdiagnosed. The reason being the failure to recognise the “the physical and psychological effects” of domestic violence. (Joan Zorza, ed. 2002, Batterer Manipulation and Retaliation in the courts: A largely unrecognized Phenomenon Sometimes encouraged by Court Practices; Violence against women 47-48). Another theory of Researchers was that violence was learned. They argued that men who were violent had witnessed the same as children because they once saw their mothers abused. This was “learned behaviour” theory of violence. Even though these show relevant numbers in support still, it cannot be justified to be the only reason. It was more about the control of someone through violence.
From the above snippets of theories and beliefs, whatever may the logics be, we seem to try to pacify the damage, it is never an excuse and it can never be given a clean chit for someone to hold any sort of physical, emotional, or psychological abusive power over the other. The end does not justifies the means. And no one, how important, popular or legendary the personality may be can go scott free, and same should be the case with celebrities like Depp, if found true as per the accusations. We can and should no more endorse the behaviour because in simple plain words it is just on OK!