Rhapsody of Truthful Myth

It seem to tbe a lovely tale
Where there is an obvious love
Showing the persistance of queen
Risking away life’s earnings
Just to keep this rhapsody alive
For thruth is a myth needing to survive
protests of goons and self-explainations
Squeezing their worth in between
Drafts all around ruling the glory
Hiding behind truth that is so gory
Just to keep this rhapsody alive
For truth is a myth needing to survive
For some, biopics may be enough
For others, reality hits really hard!
As mere stories are not enough
To feed the bohemian desire till brim!
Just to keep this rhapsody alive
For truth is a myth needing to survive
The update on lyrics is so lame
No one can decide upon the end
Fairies and warewolves haunting behind
Forcing to put a stop to its light
Just to keep this rhapsody alive
For truth is a myth needing to survive
When your humour is your own downfall
It decays the zest to move on
For life makes one eventually grow
And create that lasting song to last
Just tot keep this rhapsody alive
For truth is a myth needing to survive
May be this rhapsody keep us alive
And truth becomes a myth of mind
May be it all determines that smile
Which helps our sorrows to hide
This makes us further strong
To recreate the rhapsody of truthful myth!