Documents and their Discourse

Documemts that are treated as monuments
Bring in fair chance of discourse
To hunt for any truth in history
For solving such puzzles is mystery
screaming till voice get hoarse
While they chill away on ottomans.
These documents turn into discourse
That practice at many levels
Be it psychological, philosophical or scientific
They span through lifetime that is magnific!
Despite so many constraints for speaker
pouring from patience annalysis beaker.
Between a multitude of mutual discourse
Lies the document of experience
That highlights social context in force
Backed up by chain of knowledge
That allow all to connect with unattainable
Bringing in and making relations manageable
The documents of past traces the roots
Through acts, customs, buildings and books
Areas in society where discourse lives
Family, work, religion and every nook
Knowledge that flows where law dives
Bring home the emegence of a life
The documents that are treated as monuments
Connects well with chance of a discourse
As they hunt for truth in history
trying to solve further this mystery
They are rught to scream till hoarse
And not just chill away in force.