Desire the Queer Divide

If I dare to borrow then, ‘the representation of gender is its construction,’ in the words of Italian-American feminist theorist Teresa de Lauretis, who coined the term ‘queer theory’ in 1990. However she gave birth to ‘queer theory’ where she specifically focus on lesbian desire that can give great strength to films focussing on lesbianism. The term ‘queer’ that was earlier looked down upon, is now shading number of bifurcations like, gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual and their ideas and identities. She in her theory wanted to question and rethinking the boundaries and outlines of homosexuality that term it to be something away from normal. She questions the headings of sexual identity that in a way make it negatively invisible in society and social structure. There is a need to understand these bifurcations in sexuality as a separate and legitimate identities that are exiting and have their own social, personal and political results and influences. So films taking up such issues are not merely pushing the cause, in fact they are trying to transcend among various aspects of their existence and visibility.

Still, the term ’queer’ in itself reflect a question mark as far as its meaning goes. Something that is strange, not regular, perhaps not normal. However the same term is used along the lines of homosexuality. A parallel is drawn with terms like gays and lesbians. Is it what we need? Do we need terms like these to create a divide for those who want to be included? Aren’t we extending the gap further? The moment we start chategorising in order to give a special identity to any section of society, we end up marginalizing them subconsciously…manytimes we are marginalizing ouuselves even for in our mind we need the others to recognise us and our existance they may or may not be different from others. However, we tend to forgo the fact that is not we wanht in actuality. What anyone really desires is equality and not special treatment, because thats where the demarcations and barriers emerge. Manytime it is we who increase this divide furtherand the gap just keep on widening! When we take the same canvas to cinema and try to paint a similar picture, the results end up as same. It segregates the community from the rest. In order to specify, sometimes we tend to over-emphasize the idea and it ends up getting the feathers ruffled all around. When what should be the scenario is just to let it seep in slowly and naturally for it is natural to many and they dont need to be seperated in order to be included .The movies should be just movies and not a medium to segregate according to the sexual orientation because each concept is not to the person beliving in it. We are all in this together so we need to stay in all its totality !