LA DE DA DA of Films

The tune that you and me dance to, the songs that make us groove have their own apeal. However add a n image to it and bring a different flavour to the composition. Now let us add series of moving images, and the aesthetic of the whole song or music totally flips! Then what if we ass this whole combination to a storyline or script. Can we imagine the potential it will hold? The power that the whole film radiates will have a totally different impact on the audience that is watching it! Be it a score, a tune or a song. Each has its own importance over the movie in focus and it hols the power strong enough to bring out varied emotions in the audience. The music is not only the soul but infact it capsules the whole essence of the film genre. Where speech is silver, this is a definite gold! Sound in cinema, in whatever size, shape and form; has a magnitude of weightage for it rounds up a complet picture and bring sense of peace for the audoence as well as people behind the camera. In the chapter, The Role of Music Communication in Cinema by Scott D. Lipscomb and David E. Tolchinsky [to be included in Music Communication (Miell, MacDonald and Hargreaves, Eds.)], it is explained that according to (Bordwell and Thompson, 1985, p.184.) sound has the power to explain the images and script, oppose them or even leave them to unexplainable.
Even though for someone who argues that music cannot communicate with the audience in a way dialogues do, still it has its own crucial position in the establishment of film narrative. It provides correct emotion to the concept. The visuality of cinema is enhanced manifold by bringing in variety of music at different appropriate places. The background score, the songs sequences affect the audience at many levels. It captures their attention and bring out their emotions rather even more than their conscious mind. It is not of importance whether the music is background score, theme or incidental, what matters is the amount of power it must build the emotiveness of the audience. It is extremely important aspect of a film since it has the capacity to carry a large part of cinema on its strong shoulders. The essence of music is what and how it connects with the film and its audience at multiple levels. Even though there is a complexity of the nature of music and its usage in films, we may not be in full coherence with the views regarding its usage. However, music does function on multiple levels in creating a wholistic film for the audience. Infact it rounds up to bring a sense of closure to the whole pachage of fim making as-well-as film watching.