Peeling away their Jackets!

As I woke up with my chronic toothache, I glared at the clock as if it was all its fault. Poor soul was only telling the truth of life, the time that I have missed while being in my dreamland. It was already way later for breakfast, and it was Saturday, our weekend! Craving for my iced coffee and angry with the world for having one, I realized it was only who must make it for myself. I dragged myself into my sanctity of sanity…my kitchen. While picking my beloved coffee jar, I realised I have an 8-year-old whose mission in life is to make me make something ‘delicious’ for him, every single hour of the day! Scratching the itch of my mental inability to comprehend anything before I have that caffeine shot, I saw them! Those irregular-sized potatoes were ready to roll towards their grave if I don’t happen to save them. All three of them seemed to be staring at me as if begging. They literally wanted me to drag them out of this trauma of shrivelling away in dark corner of that bucket! I decided to oblige them, simply because I was according to many I know and to most I don’t, a lazy mum trying to complete my humble duty to satisfy those universal maternal instincts.
Without any guilt on hand i grabbed them and pulled them out of their misery! With my iced coffee in one hand and them in another I tried to balance them just like I try to balance my ever-wavering life every day, I soaked their shrivelled skin in salt water for 10 mins. This was my last CPR to bring them back to life. As I closed my eyes in mental bliss after the first sip of my delicious cold-lame concoction of coffee, milk, and ice, I used my one hand to quickly pour 2 teaspoons full of olive oil in my deep pan (that was the health conscious me)! In went cumin seeds with curry leaves, along with pinch of asafoetida. With crackling sound in my ears humming like therapeutic rhythm, I put salt to taste, one green chilli (broken into two) and tip-full of turmeric. In went chopped and peeled potatoes. Then it was time for 3/4 cup of H2O and on came the lid. I put heat at its lowest, slowly building in warmth and comfort from this feeling of soon feeding the hungry mouth of my little birdie chirping with his mouth open in the background of my kitchen. He was being his usual impatient hungry self, but I am not complaining about I had the comfort of my iced coffee nestled in between my palms. W both are on our way to mutual truce after soon satisfying our individual cravings! I just let the dish simmer to its own dreams for around 10-12 minutes. Then like I do to myself every morning, I jolted it out of its trance by removing lid and putting the flame on high! It groaned, thickened, and sizzled to its full golden glory and today’s meditation reached its catharsis!

Since it was already past breakfast time as I let myself go on weekends. It’s all right to not be that every day early morning riser each day of our lives. We can forgive ourselves and each other occasionally and smile for just being able to be alive! Well, my version of potato worship reached its peak! With sonny boy calling and my tooth crying, it was time to do belly worship with simple steamed rice and home-made chilli pickle in toe…Happy brunching!