Justifying Impact of Film in Spreading Philosophy

Where we put Films in the bracket of Arts, we cannot dent its strong backing from the field of Philosophy. Films have capability to strongly contribute to philosophising a thought. If we end up appreciating or criticising any film, we must be able to simultaneously justify one of strong reasons behind to be that whether the philosophy for creating that body of visual work, has been justified or not. The questions that tend to rise are what is the actual importance of films as far as its philosophy is concerned? Also do the film hold strength enough to make the audience and people in general comprehend and synthesize the standing philosophies that revolve around ideas, ideologies, morals, emotions, perceptions, concept of consciousness and understanding etc? instead of beating around the bush and start the conversation with film representations and illustrations of ideas and conflicts or film being the base of existing and developing philosophy; why don’t we digress a little and try to hold the bull by its noose? How about if we divulge the concept that films carry the capacity to themselves spread the ideas, methods, difficulties, and views that further develop the process of concept of philosophy!

By now we know that film help in spreading the existing emotions and encourage emergence of new concepts, views, and thoughts. The socio-political, cultural concepts a raised and developed further through this medium are way easier to get transcend in everyday life of people at large. These films further explore the discourse available, though now freely available for consumption. They then have the power to express and explain the thought which in turn can make a significant impact on the society.
The philosophy written in books tends to interest only the selected few. However, once it comes alive on screen with right characters, relevant props, strong script, impactful shots, scenes and dialogues, the thoughts take a complete U-turn! The same boring, tedious words come alive for most who end up watching their favourite cast and in turn idolizing their image and actions! The relevance and popularity of any given philosophy increase manifold. The general population gobbles it up because of their virtual resonance with the idea. It becomes incredible easy for the thought makers to bring about any change in society with the aid of this industry full of glitz and glamour. All this is because we as audience are ready to spend a substantial amount of money over the next new release. Film as carrier of philosophy is way justifies as ‘food for thought’ because the impact and difference that it can make in our society is way beyond human perception!