The Science of Signs in Films

When Henry Stubbs first used the word and spelled it differently as Semeiotics in 1670-75, he probable never would have thought in weirdest of his imaginations that his concept of using the idea of signs in the field of medicine would take a whirlwind turn and boggle the minds of so many social thinkers as well. The word that has been in almost continuous usage since 17th century and has changed its form including the change in spelling from semeiotics to Semiotics is able to spread its roots from linguistics to a vast canvas! The various discourse and number of narratives expand and contract because of the angle that is taken by the concept of Signs and semiology. Because of this there comes a strong point connection where some feel the need that man needs to be handles and thought about in idea od signs.
Since communication is of even according to Chandler (2013) is of extreme importance as it involves a variety of signs, the society thus consciously or unconsciously survives and thrives on the omnipresent idea of Semiotics. One way or the other each one of us is living our life under codes and involving signs. All that varies is the medium of their organisation. Constructing then, deconstructing, and arguing their existence and importance is the core of reality that is required to support and get the support from these signs.
In films the language of semiotics is so natural that the interdependence has become almost independent to any form of forced existence. The audience has matured over the time enough to comprehend the deliberate use of signs, symbols, language, and idea of semiotics. For them the study of sighs even more assist in their better understanding of the idea that is behind the whole script and the intention or inclination of the movie makers. The social understanding, cultural projection, developed perception are all elaborated through the means of semiotic in the field of cinema, be it props, particular shot, scenes, character sketch, dialogue delivery, body movement/stance, colour scheme, music or even editing; is very well affect the general as particular behaviour of an individual as well as in a group Caroll (1999:3) because according to her concept end up creating our behaviour and practices.

So The Science behind the idea of Semiotics has a deep connect with the societal as well as cultural behaviour of people at large and this is further engraved deeply through the medium of films! For Signs have the power as strong as the objectivity of science to construct society and stimulate various scholars of varied fiels to engage further in discourse of cinema and its impact on the outside world!