When we see a face, eyes, view down the road or even a just a plain knob of the door in a movie it in not anything random doing. It is a definite intent of director to make us as audience notice thatFilm consists of number of shots. Each shot has number of frames and each frame has a specific reason behind it being the way it is. The shot has the power to decide how a thought can be communicated to the audience. Its not frivolous business. There is deep thought that goes behind cutting a frame at particular point or having a certain lighting or angle in a particular scene. The whole story revolves around how certain shots are take or how a camera frame is decided upon. Objective and subjective shots make a film. Mostly objective shots are taken which tell that film is lager than life. Audience had a feeling of magnanimity when they watch a film. A scene may look real but the way it is shown gives a feel of something that is larger than life and can not be don in real world. Thus there arise a feeling of identification along with an unease of it being humanly impossible. There may be subjective shots as well. They are mostly the point of vie of the characters involved or the purpose of the film. The height of the shot, the level, angle, distance duration of time, everything is predetermined very carefully and in turn determines the outcome of the film.

Every scene, shot, frame has its own relevance and a definite psychology behind it. There is a definite aesthetic behind it, however the concept runs far deaper than the physical paraphernalia. There seem to be a very specific if not conscious cause and effect behind their usage. A film has more capacity and intense power to run deep in the brain waves of the audience with the right usage of a particular scene, shot combined with specific framework. These are in fact great tools that empower the audience to focus upon a particular aspect of the film that they otherwise might have missed! The energy of the fims gets enhanced manyfold with the right shot in a specific scene. Indeed when a filmmaker, creates his/her piece of art. the kind of camera angles, frames, shots or even scenes that he uses show us the pace of the conscious and unconscious thoughts that run in their mind about the selected topic. There are quite strong chancs that the mystery nehind the conceptualisation of a particular topic can get unfold if we study these small yet very integral details. The ideas have a tendency to run wild if not capsuled in the right box. However the reason behind choosing a particular box is what can be tapped upon if we study these smaller details in the film making process for creating reality is the most important fiction behind the whole idea of cinema!