Writings on my Wall

Writings on the wall ahead
Carvings on that roof
Rickety chairs and dusty floor
Cling! of chairs in cashier’s chest
Pumping in all this adreline
My mind goes wild in uproar!
One foot after other, one step at a time
Hearing those sounds of thunder
In the pitter-patter of night’s rain
Warming my blood with caffine
I sit on the table at far end
Lost in my chain of thoughts
The blue shirt, a black track
That gren jacket and loaded backpack
So many forces all around
All eyes that seem to unsee
Those smiles behind the counter
Seem just the same to me
The mum who pacifies the child
That dad who brings it all in
That lost face and searching eyes
glares behind glasses that I feel
Uncare and occasional distress
I cannot ignore, how much I try
So much I see, go much I feel
As I pen down or rather pour
Away in my mind that I feel
On whiteness of paper i explore…
Occassional smile that I feel on lips
Lost in my own debries of mind
On this of black-white strokes
There is so much I want to write
My eyes that squirt through my specs
The heart that burst deep within
I feel so empty, yet full
As I swallow away everything hidden…