Remakes and their Path of Fire

The ever-existing requirement and continuous increase in the demand of films. Because of the growing audience and their political freedom of thoughts, social and financial independence have resulted in the increase in supply chain of film production. Thus, the scope for remakes, sequel as well-as series of them has bifurcated. They in fact with time have become one of the open secrets behind continuous churning of moolah, stock rise and general increase in trade activities revolving around them. The remakes are in a way a part of the total reworking of film industry. The word ‘adaptation’ has unfolded in a very interesting manner while we are talking about the industry reworking itself. For instance, close cousins that reside in the industry are literary adaptations, screenplay adaptations, parodies and even adapting the dialogues, and have settled beautifully in its folds. They further elaborate in adaptation of music, sound rework in silent movies and other audio-visuals as well. This single concept of remakes under different garbs cove Hollywood, Bollywood and I believe any other ‘wood’ brotherhood! They may have the same directors branch out to newer ones too. So, these remakes can very well transcend and cross over the boundaries of time, space and creators and audience.
This reproduction may give an idea of its inability to retain the conscience and soul of the earlier version. In its approach that might not might not be too aggressive there can be gradual rise in the idea of total becoming a total replacement eventually in the mind of audience of the hour. This argument may prove to be true many times since it has been observed that the newer version may end up being more of commercial or critical success and even see manyfold rise in the money it grosses at the box office. Since I belong to the land of Bollywood, there are quite a few examples of such. Let me focus on one for the time being. While it may seem to be odd for many, but I am one person who binge watch even the flops. It is okey if it is a movie that I want at that moment of time. So, the film that I want to focus on this point is flop of its time, ‘Agneepath’s ‘. While I was watching it yesterday as part of my early night in I was wondering, January 26, 2012 is one day that at least the director Karan Johar will remember for a long time to come. His tribute to his father’s dream venture is out of its can. The earlier flick didn’t do well despite its major expectations. however, the new Avatar has some interesting moments of remembrance. Firstly, it was a Karan Johar venture – a formula of success at the time. Secondly the protagonist, Hrithik Roshan’s transition into the role was a surprise yet well worth the gamble. Above all the negative male lead as Sanjay Dutt! Yes, he has not very surprisingly made Hrithik’s packs look so lean. India’s age-old, brand-new Hulk of 2012 (well Hulk has been my favourite throughout)!
As I was engaged throughout the screentime, I realised it is not easy to take up characters from the existing film and build them up in such a manner that they rise way above the existing image. Sanjay Dutt has made me as an audience hate him throughout the movie so much that I am sure many like me even forgot and eventually even refused to like anything else in the film. I immediately remembered when my colleague at that time pointed out that two-minute romance was followed by three and a half minutes of violence! I guess the director rightfully succeeded in creating some fervent emotions upfront. Though there were other important characters and popular cast in the remake from the earlier version as well, the two central characters were and still is among few attention-seekers and Sanjay Dutt, I must admit is the crudest form of Kancha (the negative lead).

For Priyanka Chopra it was one of the best roles at that point in her career – a character to die for (a definite pun intended). I must credit the director to decide rightfully, consciously, or unconsciously to choose the best moments from the past version to be incorporated in the newer formula. Though he tried to add a negative twist with veteran Rishi Kapoor, who looked so soft with his kohled eyes, a contradictory image projection, that at one point I even started sympathising with his character! No wonder my audience-cup runneth over!